Tech stack
Here is my lastest works.
Modern Weather widget that displays real-time data using the Weather API, even in hourly breakdown. It also includes a forecast with a diagram and a search function where you can search for any location in the world.
Live demoEcommerce website with an admin order management interface. Authentication with Auth.js, both email and OAuth. Database with NeonDB and Drizzle ORM.
Live demoA web app for selling used electronic products. It is made with the latest technologies and features a multilingual interface.
Live demoA simple portfolio application where the latest technologies are showcased. Features optimistic data management, with next auth 5.0 authentication. Prisma and supabase take care of the database. Test payments with Stripe.
Live demoMy own creative portfolio website. Utilizing the latest animation libraries. Currently under development...
Live demoA recently opened local burger restaurant website. It features a dynamic database, The food ordering is possible with registration. This can be managed with a multi-level employee system.
Live demoSome words about me
&:has(.bento__item:hover) .bento__item:not(:hover) { filter: brightness(75%) saturate(50%); transition: filter 1100ms 500ms ease-in; }
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